Photography by Ewen Bell

Welcome to my philosophy of photography. Sharing images is an act of expression, so let your voice be heard. The camera is your path to creativity.

Photography Tours
Find your creative path with the camera

Expedition Workshops

Starting in 2024 I'm taking my workshops on expedition voyages in Japan, Australia and the Sub-Antarctic!

Aurora Workshops

Experience the Arctic in winter to chase the Northern Lights by night and snowy landscapes by day.

LUMIX G9II for Birds

Lets walk through a host of features built into LUMIX G9II that might help you to take better bird photos. We'll go through burst modes, pre-shutters, autofocus setups, and a few extra treats. There’s even a downloadable camera setup to help you get started and use the same settings that I have.

Be Positive About Negative Space

Negative Space is not empty space. It's there for a reason and it can help you find a path to better composition, plus more intentional composition.

Birds Are Hard

Bird photography is hard because birds don't like humans most of the time. This is not so much a technical challenge, but one of finding your path to connect with nature. Let's delve into the art of walking around park and being snubbed by the birds.

Auroras vs Shorts

I'll never forget that night standing out in my shorts and capturing auroras. I never expected that to happen in my home state of Victoria. And it's given me that hunger to get back to Arctic Norway and chase some serious photography.

Creatively Valued

Most of the time our clients are wonderful people to work with, because we're helping each other to get where we need to be. But sometimes you end up with a client who actually doesn't value your work at all, and that's a problem in more ways than you might imagine.

Do You Care About AI

The fundamental differences between machine learning and human artistic expression is not something you can teach. It's something you have to experience. That's always going to be the bridge that AI cannot cross.


New Photo Essays



Momo Time
Novice monks in Nepal usually get two or three servings of Dhal Bhat every day, or some varition on that. Lots of rice, lots of chillies, lots of lentils. Every so often there's a special occasion, and the momos come out.

Melbourne in Monochrome
This winter I've been working on a few local projects, and spending a little more time on the streets where I live. The winter light is my favourite light, full of texture and drama yet soft and dynamic. It's my favourite time of year to be in Melbourne.

Fire and Water
Surrounded by stunning snow-capped peaks the pilgrims route to Muktinath is followed by devout Hindus from all over Nepal and India. They gather on the shores of the Kali Gandaki to make offerings and prayers, before heading higher into the mountains and the holy temples at Muktinath.

Bhakatpur in Gold
This week in Nepal the festival of Dashain is gathering pace, and the streets of Bhaktapur are awash with offerings to the gods. It's a deeply religious Hindu holiday and even some of the blokes get dressed up nice for the event.

Salt And Stone
This essay has been curated from my Kimberley Coast voyage with Heritage Expeditions. They are presented here in a square format to highight how presentation can make such an impact on how an image is received. So many of the images here are ones I'd love to hang on a wall.

Kimberley Expedition
Rock Art. Wildlife. Landscapes. Sunsets. All you need is a well appointed expedition ship, a fleet of zodiacs and some great crew to guide you to the hidden gems. Rugged coastline, pink and ochre sandstone, brilliant sunshine day after day, calm flat water and easy sailing during the night between destinations.

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