
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog

Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

Swimming not Drifting

Swimming not Drifting

As the world changes around us, we need to decide if we are ready for change too.

Gear is good - Vision is better

Gear is good - Vision is better

Wise words from David du Chemin have made this website something of a success story. David's nuggets of wisdom are liberally sprinkled across the PixelatedImage Blog, along with PDF e-books priced at just $5 each.



In the space of a fortnight I've had the same story told to me by two different people, both of whom are very talented with a camera. They went to a workshop to learn new skills and came away with less control over their camera and creativity. They were forced to shoot fully manual and ended up moving away from their best creativity instead of towards it.

How To Be Creative With Your Camera

How To Be Creative With Your Camera

There's a tension between mastering technical control of your camera versus exploring your own creative potential. How much technical focus do you actually need to pursue a creative path in photography?

Layers of Colour with ICM

Layers of Colour with ICM

Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) is a doorway to opening your creativity. Here I present a hands on guide to getting started, with an emphasis on using ICM to blend colours and textures.

Last Minute Workshop

Last Minute Workshop

The recent lockdowns have caused havoc with our workshop schedule, but that might be good news if you're looking for a last minute slot on a truly wonderful workshop experience :) My brand new workshop concept is called "CHANGE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY" and the name says it all.