
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

China Photography Tour

China Photography Tour

Landscapes and people are just the beginning for this two week exploration in China. From the imperial elegance of Beijing's palaces to the hand ploughed fields of terraces in Guangxi. We take the time to enjoy the culture of China and immerse ourselves in a photographic feast. The people of China are as friendly as they are artistic - take inspiration to cultivate your own expression on the journey of a lifetime.

Swimming not Drifting

Swimming not Drifting

As the world changes around us, we need to decide if we are ready for change too.

Ancient Kingdoms Photography Tour

Ancient Kingdoms Photography Tour

The Kingdoms of Siam, Laos and the Khmer date back thousands of years, and we explore that history through the perspective of the lens. Bangkok is the bustling heart of Thailand and the starting point for our journey. We travel north to the ancient capital of Chiang Mai, the golden temples of Laos and then conclude our tour in Cambodia's majestic Angkor Wat region.

One is never enough

One is never enough

What went on in Hobart and why food photography is more than just another gig.

The Original

The Original

Taking a photo is literally the act of copying an original. My career is a little like that too, I owe everything to somebody. Today I’m digging a little deeper and practising some gratitude for the community around me that has made my world a wonderfully creative place.

Photography That Loves You Back

Photography That Loves You Back

It can sound so cliche when people talk of how their time in Nepal has “changed their lives”. But I cannot think of any photographer who visited the Himalayas and didn’t return home renewed with inspiration for their craft and humanity itself.

What An Image Should Be

What An Image Should Be

How do you know what processing an image needs? I get asked this a lot. “What should I do to make this image better”. The problem is, that depends on what constitutes your idea of better! The answer lies in you, not the pixels.

Getting Out of Struggle Town

Getting Out of Struggle Town

Even professionals get stuck in a rut sometimes, but with the benefit of a little inspiration we often find our way out again. On my latest journey through Nepal I found an old tool that helped me see things in a new way.

How to get more people visiting your photographic website

How to get more people visiting your photographic website

Shooting lovely photographs is really the easy bit, it's getting people to see them on your website that is really hard. The best way to increase traffic to your website is to write an article on how to increase traffic to your website.

Cooked the Books

Cooked the Books

Each year Shellie designs a unique menu for our food photography workshop, and then publishes the recipes online for everyone to enjoy. Even if you didn't make it to this years event, you can still get a taste of our workshops in your own kitchen.

Eyes Wide Open

Eyes Wide Open

Sometimes the failures of our fellow travellers can become an inspiration to making our own journeys more fulfilling.

Mind The Gap

Mind The Gap

The gap that exists between the image you take and image you want to take.