Nikon D600 Review
Professional image quality in a budget package. In many ways the D600 is better than the D800, it's the camera a lot of Nikon owners have been waiting for.
Absolute Beginnings
Some of the fundamental issues that come up often when travellers ask me for help. What is a RAW file, what is ISO, why should I care about sensor size and how to control exposure metering.
Team Touit
Three lenses from the Zeiss factory offer professional grade fast primes for APS-C sized interchangeable formats.
The Perfect Lens and Why They Dont Exist
When it comes to lenses there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all. You have to try a lens before you know if it really suits you, and sometimes you grow out of the old one and move onto something new. just like us photographers, no lens is perfect.
Soft Focus and Fine
Shallow depth of field is a powerful technique to have in your creative tool kit. It’s not just about funky portraits either, it’s good for almost every genre of photography.
Why Size Matters
Why does size matter when comparing image quality and will it make you a better photographer? The number of pixels and the physical dimensions of the sensor they're stuffed into can impact your final image in more ways than one.
Shooting Sunrise at Meili Xue Shan
Iconic mountains capped with snow and untamed by man. Of all the legends that circulate around the newly named Shangri-La county, the "Snow Mountains" known simply as Mei Li are easily the most convincing. Majestic peaks alter the weather and thrill the crowds. There are no certainties about getting clear skies for sunrise, but true landscape photographers are a patient lot anyway.
The One Essential Food Shot
Most food shots you see in travel magazines were taken far from the controlled confines of a studio, and having the ability to add a great looking dish to your folio of photos is essential for any aspiring travel journo. Here's a quick primer on how to setup that shot and make it work wonders.
Micro Four Thirds meets Bokeh
What is the secret to getting maximum bokeh out of the Micro Four Thirds format? or any other MFT camera? Lets step deep into the beauty of bokeh and look at just how much of a full-frame look you can squeeze out of smaller sensors.
When The Stars Come Out
Photographing the night sky is easier than you think, provided you can find the darkest of nights and stay away from city lights.