This small island in the Chukchi Sea is best known for it's remarkable concentration of Polar Bears. When the ice melts the bears need a safe haven to wait out the summer. The bears may be hungry during these months but the foxes and owls are not, because they have the Lemmings. In fact the entire ecology of the island is driven by these little creatures and their ability to survive in the Arctic tundra.
The north eastern tip of Russia is known as Chukotka, and it's a very long way from Moscow. Rugged cliffs along the Chukchi Sea are a haven for Puffins, and the long seasons of ice are a haven for Polar Bears. I joined the expedition ship Professor Kromov to get close to the wildlife. Sort of close. Bears are dangerous, Puffins are aloof, and indigenous hunters have made most wildlife in the region very shy of human activity. This region is a genuine challenge for photographers.