Food Photography Workshop

Food Photography Workshop

We asked some of our participants on recent food photography workshops to share a paragraph on their experience. These testimonials are unedited. We feel deeply grateful to our lovely guests who have offered their kind words. Each of these has made us smile more than you can imagine :)

A few of our lovely workshop friends wanted to share more than a few words, so we gave them a whole page each:

Jo Ruffin
Jo O'Kelly



Feedback from Kate P.
May 2024, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
Absolutely brilliant. The carefully structured program and Ewen & Shellie's professionalism, attention to detail and generosity created the perfect creative learning environment. Ewen's philosophy, relaxed precision, technical expertise, and ability to capture the magic of a moment, all shared in "spades" over the 4 days has changed my perspective. The small group allowed for plenty of personalized attention, Shellie's food and styling was exceptional, and learning to style with such an extensive array of props was such a perfect touch to the workshop. The venue, the diverse shooting opportunities, and insight into finding my photographic self, further enriched me. I will feast upon the knowledge shared for many years to come. Thank you.

Feedback from Martin H.
May 2024, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
If you're thinking about booking a workshop with Ewen & Shellie, just click and DO IT! Worth every second and penny. We did the Food Photography Workshop and it was the best 4 days I've ever had on a course. Ewen's not only knowledgable, he's patient, great at explaining everything from composition to light, storytelling and more. Meanwhile, Shellie's styling and cooking skills were the perfect complement. They've helped me rediscover the joy in photography and evolve my style, my way - If I could give this course 6 stars, I would ✨

Feedback from Malcolm G.
May 2024, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
Having participated recently in Ewen's Daylesford Food Photography Workshop, I cannot recommend this highly enough; anticipating a 4 day intensive deep dive, it was more akin to a sharing a farm stay with fellow creatives where we lived and breathed food styling and photography in a positive and immersive learning environment. Ewen's style of teaching is gentle and bespoke, expertly tailored to each individual; this skill in identifying and offering critique in an encouraging way allowed me to challenge myself. The farm is just stunning inside and out, and forms the perfect backdrop for Shellie's jaw-dropping dishes. The workshop hit the sweet spot between technical (camera craft, settings, editing etc) but also artistic expression - this is an overlooked but key aspect to food photography that can't be learnt from an online tutorial. Thankyou, Ewen & Shellie!

Feedback from Penny M.
May 2024, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
Ewan and Shellie are incredibly generous with their photography expertise and deeply committed to ensuring you grasp the concepts. Their passion and knowledge shine through in every aspect of the workshop. The small group setting provides personalized attention, guaranteeing a thorough understanding. Learning not only techniques for capturing mouthwatering food, but also the art of light and storytelling. Additionally, Shellie's meticulous attention to detail in every delicious meal elevates this incredible weekend in picturesque Daylesford. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone looking to refine their skills or simply indulge their passion for food and photography. Thank you, Ewan and Shellie, for a truly unforgettable experience!



Feedback from Michael M.
May 2023, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
As a wedding photographer for almost a decade, I hadn't attended any workshops or educational events in a while. But when I signed up for the food photography workshop, I came with an open heart and mind, eager to expand my knowledge and passion for photography and food.

The workshop was well-structured yet relaxed, and Ewen and Shellie were knowledgeable about food photography. The group had varying levels of photography skills, but the workshop was accommodating to everyone. Ewen provided one-on-one assistance, and Shellie was always available to impart her knowledge and cook delicious meals.

The accommodation was beautiful and tranquil, located just outside Daylesford. The short excursions to the farmers market and pig farm were enjoyable and added to the photography experience.

Shellie's cooking was amazing, and her food filled the house with mouth-watering aromas. The weekend was an excellent opportunity to unwind, indulge in great food and drink, and network with new friends by the fireplace. I gained a wealth of information and a significant advantage in my food photography portfolio.

I highly recommend Shellie and Ewen's food workshop to anyone interested in food and photography.



Feedback from Stef A.
May 2022, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
I was lucky enough to attend Ewen and Shelley's amazing Food Photography Workshop in Daylesford earlier this year, along with four other photographers keen to improve their food photography and styling skills. On the photography front, this workshop was the best 4 days I've invested in my photography learning journey to date.

Everything from focal length, tethering, using different lighting systems, 'shooting everything', capturing light, day/night shooting and processing food images was covered (and much much more). Ewen is a super knowledgeable and experienced photographer with the patience of a saint (!) :). All our questions were taken seriously and answered carefully and in detail by either Ewen or Shelley (also an incredible food photographer). It was exciting to see how quickly our photos improved over the 4 days to the point where we were all producing impressive editorial-style food images (thoughtfully printed out on site by Ewen).

The accommodation and food was also outstanding - unbelievably beautiful location and house (like being on a movie set!). Everything Shelley cooked looked (and tasted!) like something from a Delicious magazine photo shoot - breakfast, lunch and dinner. It was also a really warm and friendly environment where I felt comfortable and welcomed. Ewen and Shelley were the perfect hosts as well as fantastic photography teachers. Couldn't recommend this workshop highly enough and if you're still deciding whether or not to do it, just book it in! I promise you won't regret it :) Thanks Ewen and Shelly!

Feedback from Adrian T.
May 2022, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
Having travelled with Ewen to Nepal on a photography tour, I had some idea of what to expect from this course. An appreciation for natural light, a straightforward approach to making images that stand out, high quality banter, tuition and inclusions. Shellie’s involvement took all of that to another level with a visual as well as an actual feast for each meal, a similar generosity of spirit to Ewen’s and the ability to create a warm and homely environment that supported the group dynamic and a wonderful experience all round.

As a hobby photographer, I appreciated the way in which Ewen’s approach to food photography was an extension of what I had learnt with him before. It was familiar but a definite deepening of my knowledge and that’s exactly what I was looking for. At the same time, I could see the professional photographers in the group seeing new possibilities emerge as they workshopped ideas with the ever willing Ewen and Shellie. Everyone had plenty of opportunities to explore the aspects they felt they wanted to over the (long) weekend.

I was touched by just how rich the whole experience was and look forward to learning more from Ewen and Shellie in future.

Feedback from Kayla M.
May 2022, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
Attending the Food Photography Workshop in Daylesford with Ewen And Shellie has had such a profound impact on my work. I had been looking forward to it for a full year having booked around the time of the 2021 workshop. It was a long 12 months! From the moment I arrived Ewen and Shellie made me feel welcome and comfortable. The accomodation at the Farmhouse was beautiful, and Shellie's catering was just as incredible to eat as it was to photograph! We sure were spoiled!

Ewen's style of teaching is very casual and relaxed, with the content you learn being an open dialogue between covering the basics and delving into deeper discussions when you want more information. At all times he was very open and willing to help with whatever our query was from workflow and techniques to dealing with clients and industry best practices. It was an incredible 4 days spent with 2 great teachers and 4 other like minded people immersed in two of my favourite things: food and photography.

Ewen and Shellie, I cannot thank you enough. Since coming home I have seen the change in my work for the better and have been inspired all over again. Thank you so much for a fantastic learning experience!!

Feedback from Rhonda N.
May 2022, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
I booked the Food Photography workshop as I wanted learn more about the correct lighting and how to get better, real life images of food, that don’t have to be highly processed. The other benefit of this workshop, was that we had a Chef preparing food for us, then showing us how to style and shoot, both in a dining and kitchen environment. Both Ewen and Shellie were amazing, patient, and genuinely cared that we got what we needed at each photo shoot across the four days. I definitely learnt more than I ever expected to from this workshop, and have been inspired to expand my portfolio of services that I offer with my photography. I now have a full portfolio of images that I can use when pitching to new clients and media outlets to gain more work… thanks again Ewen & Shellie, I loved every minute and getting to know you both was a highlight!



Feedback from Danie P.
May 2021, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
I was so, so excited to finally go to the Food Photography Workshop in Daylesford. I had been waiting for two years! (The first year I missed out and the second year was cancelled due to the pandemic lockdown).

The weekend was more than I could have imagined. Such a beautiful farmhouse in Daylesford that was very luxe! And the most gorgeous people! I felt a little shy at first as I did not know anyone, however everybody was so friendly and easy to talk with. I had some wonderful individual conversations over the four days.

Shellie and Ewen are just fabulous! They are incredibly generous hosts and teachers. I was totally blown away with the meals that Shellie prepared. The food was beautiful looking and absolutely delicious. I somehow forgot that not only would we photograph the food we would be eating it too! Wow! Such a feast! I also loved watching Shellie cook and chatting to her in the kitchen. All my foodie dreams were realised!

I was so impressed with the planning of the workshop. Ewen presented tutorials from his computer via a large TV screen - this made it easy for all of us to view comfortably and make our own notes and ask questions. Additionally there were numerous demonstrations where Ewen would follow up with individual attention for us all.

Ewen is a wonderful teacher, especially when helping with our troubleshooting! I was struggling with compatibility issues with connecting my camera and new laptop. I was desperate to make it work as I was especially interested in learning flash photography and tethering with my new laptop. Ewen was incredibly patient and sensed my desperation (almost in tears!) We got there in the end and I could not be more thankful for Ewen’s kindness.

I enjoyed Shellie’s demonstration on styling with her recommendations for tableware and props. This was followed by a great photo session where we could photograph the props and desserts ourselves.

What I found most helpful in the workshop was the composition tips regarding ‘layering’ and photographing from different angles and distances. This is something I will always remember - it was awesome watching how everyone else approached the subject in their own way. Often as a photographer you are photographing alone and you don’t get to see how other’s interpret the same subject. This was a great reminder to ‘keep shooting’ there’s so many possibilities!

I also loved our outings. It was a great opportunity to practice some ‘lifestyle’ shots, including buildings, markets, landscape, people and animals! I appreciated all the great tips along the way. I especially loved photographing the pigs at the farm :)

Thank you Shellie and Ewen for providing such a rich and personal learning experience that I am so very grateful to have experienced!

Meet Danie :)

Feedback from Liane K.
May 2021, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
Unlike a number of people who attended the workshop, I didn’t join to specifically improve my skills in food photography and food photography and styling aren’t part of my day to day professional life. I joined because I was curious to look past landscape photography (my first love) to learn new things about my camera and about photography. It was a wonderful four days and Shellie and Ewen are amazing hosts and teachers. I learned lots of new things, which I was later able to adapt for portrait photography and I bought a new lens that really allows me to play with shallow depth of field, which can be a nice complement to a wide angle landscape shot. I have read some of the other testimonials from this workshop and echo all the sentiments offered. You will not be disappointed!

Feedback from Christina T.
May 2021, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
It is always lovely and memorable to be a part of the food photographer workshop. Ewen and Shellie are such good host- teacher (Ewen) that everytime I get to borrow his gears and fell in love. The last time I source his Canon 5D - lucky me. I don’t think words can fully describe the experiences with them. Not only a quick getaway but every sessions are different and I learn different skills and knowledge. Looking forward to another trip with both of you. XX

Feedback from Sonia B.
May 2021, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
What a unique experience indulging in a Food Photography Weekend Workshop with one unreal Ironchef and creative Food Stylist Shellie and a National Geographic Photographer Ewen Bell. I learnt new photography skills especially about lighting, composition and my computer skills needed upgradng and Ewen is very technical savvy. Shellie showed me how to take my cooking to the next level and every meal was superstyled and tasted so delicious. Highlights included a visit to the Pig Farm and browsing through the Vintage Market.

It was great to hangout with other photography enthusiasts and swap photostories. We got to take home our favourite images which were printed up, I got mine laminated, turned them into placemats so i can show guests and recommend this wonderful experience to other food and photography lovers.



Feedback from Aileen L.
April 2018, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
Ewen and Shellie’s workshops are expert, hands-on, and personalised. They are on-point about how to take great photos, and two of them in a small group means that everyone's needs are met, no matter how different they are.

Over a few days we covered composition, depth of field, lighting, choosing and sourcing props and post-production, all within beautiful surroundings and the most photogenic and delicious food made by Shellie. It is the perfect way to learn about food photography that is focused, intensive and in a classy setting.

Meet Aileen :)

Feedback from Lisa W.
April 2018, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
If you are serious about food and serious about improving your skills for food photography, I highly recommend Ewen Bell and Iron Chef Shellie’s food photography workshops. I attended the recent workshop at Daylesford and had an amazing time. I learnt how to make the most of the light and how to style delicious food using the most simple props. I felt confident using my camera and have been able to easily implement what Ewen taught me as soon as I returned home. I adore the photos I have been able to create thanks to Ewen and Shellie’s guidance…. Oh and Shellie is an amazing cook so you will also get to taste the most delicious food. x

Meet Lisa :)

Feedback from Ashley W.
April 2018, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
I had a fantastic time on the Daylesford photography workshop with Ewen and Shellie. I met some awesome people and learned how to take awesome photos. Being a bit of a newbie to the camera world the guidance that Ewen gave me was really helpful and so many people have commented on how amazing my photos are since I returned from the workshop. Thanks Ewen and Shellie for a fabulous few days. I really look forward to attending another workshop with you both in the near future.

Meet Ashley :)

Feedback from Lauren S.
January 2018, Laos Food & Photography Workshop
What do I think of Laos? Just wow!

I had the most amazing time in Laos with Ewen and Shellie, and couldn't recommend this tour highly enough. From watching the saffron-clad Buddhist Monks go about their day and meeting heaps of friendly locals, to eating great food with fabulous company, the trip completely inspired and reinvigorated my photography. Ewen and Shellie are so giving of their photography and travel knowledge, and know all the best things to see, do and eat around Luang Prabang. We ventured to places off the main tourist trail (for example, the weaving village, and a farm to watch a local lady make traditional noodles), that I alone would never have discovered. Being with a group of like-minded people is lots of fun, but there's also enough time to explore the temples and wander the streets of Luang Prabang on your own if you wish. Or get a massage or two........ Can't thank Ewen and Shellie enough for this most awesome experience. I want to do it all again...

Thinking of going to Laos? Book now!

Meet Lauren :)

Feedback from Aileen L.
January 2018, Laos Food & Photography Workshop
Ewen and Shellie’s guidance began before we even arrived in Laos. Putting me on track with the right gear meant I started with confidence.

We had amazing opportunities to photograph beautiful food stories in Laos, and of course, our meals were fabulous. The trip was organised with careful consideration, so we got the most from the location, and their incredible expertise. With only six people in the group, it didn’t matter what level you were at. They catered for everyone’s different needs. As a beginner, I was nervous when we started, but through their tutelage and generosity – I was able to shoot, process and post with confidence after just a few days.

What a marvelous way to travel and improve your photography. Thank you both!

Thinking of going to Laos? Book now!

Meet Aileen :)


Feedback from Anette H.O.
November 2017, Agrarian Food Photography Workshop
I was so lucky to attend Ewen and Shellies food photography workshop in Tasmania "The Agrarian Kitchen" and it was fabulous. The surroundings were beautiful, the people wonderful and we learned so much. There was time for individual teaching and coaching as we were only six attendees. It was perfect. Shellie's magnificent food and the beautiful kitchen gave us opportunity to practise our photography skills and learn. There was plenty of time and Ewen's help and coaching in this respect was so valuable. The food photography workshop was not just a photography workshop, it was also a culinaric journey and a heartwarm and cosy community.

Thanks Ewen and Shellie for creating such a wonderful time for all of us. I'll be back.

Meet Anette :)

Feedback from Julie H.
November 2017, Agrarian Food Photography Workshop
I had such a wonderful experience attending the Hobart workshop with Ewen and Shellie. The small group size meant we had plenty of space, plenty of one on one time with the experts and great group dynamics. The course taught me so many valuable lessons in light, composition, flash, editing and styling, enabling me to go forward with far greater confidence as a photographer.

I really loved the relaxed approach of this course - food preparation and styling, wandering the farm, sharing beautiful meals, the visit to Ridgeline Pottery connecting the plates to the dishes - all the while photographing everything along the way. It was all such a lovely way to learn. The Agrarian Kitchen was an experience I will never forget – two days immersed in the most idyllic farm house surrounded by beautiful Tasmanian scenery.

Ewen and Shellie are incredibly giving of their time and knowledge, and Shellie’s superb cooking certainly made for a heavier flight home! I feel so lucky to have been part of this wonderful course and thank Ewen and Shellie for their warmth, hospitality and generosity.

Meet Julie :)

Feedback from Dale W
November 2017, Agrarian Food Photography Workshop
Generosity. Ewen and Shellie have it in spades. And knowledge, patience and warmth. I came away from the course empowered by new understanding and confidence thanks to these two wonderful people.

I learned about light, framing and composition, and the importance of these in achieving a great shot. The eye-opener was shooting in RAW and processing the files. Ewen spent time with each of us and answered all our questions. There were lots of questions. And then there’s the food. Beautiful, delicious dishes created by Shellie, who shared her styling and photographic tips (and props) to help us achieve better food photos. We met creative, inspiring people like Rodney and Severine from the Agrarian Kitchen and Ben and Peta from Ridgeline Pottery. We joined the delicious celebration of local produce at the Agrarian Kitchen Eatery and Frogmore Creek Winery. We had fun.

Thanks Ewen and Shellie for your big-hearted guidance to the next steps in my food photography journey. You’re the best!

Meet Dale :)

Feedback from Jed and Hailey
November 2017, Agrarian Food Photography Workshop
Thanks again for everything you did over for both Hailey and I over the 5 days we were in Tassie, it was both a challenging and rewarding experience that has left us with a passion to keep improving our photography and styling. As cafe owners, we felt we gained a great deep of knowledge on how to shoot food better and really convey our cafe store though photography. Your advice before the shoot, your ability to work with our dietary requirements and the prints we left with was really appreciated. We are both looking to join you again for another course so we can improve our skills even further. Many thanks.

Meet Jed and Hailey from Eden Espresso :)

Feedback from Kiri T.
April 2017, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
"I had the good fortune of attending the Daylesford Food Photography Workshop and the experience was exceptional, far exceeding all my expectations.

The workshop is extremely well organised, with thoughtful care and attention given to the process of booking, planning, and information gathering. Thanks to the very personalised approach I felt like I knew Ewen and Shellie long before I met them in person.

The standard of accommodation is outstanding. A really beautiful and photogenic location that adds to the charm and quality of the experience. We enjoyed some impressive local restaurant dining along with the stunning meals and treats that came out of the kitchen many thanks to the amazing Shellie. This workshop is truly a foodies heaven.

Workshop content is well-crafted and fluently facilitated through group and one-on-one tuition. There’s a good balance of both the technical and creative aspects of photography and loads of hands on time and side by side coaching. I honestly felt like I was learning from the moment I arrived. My understanding of light, composition, photographic style, editing, and methods to get the best from my camera gear have been enhanced significantly thanks to Ewen’s expert guidance and teaching.

I cannot speak highly enough of Ewen and Shellie. Genuine, professional, hugely generous with their knowledge and skills, truly passionate about what they do. They have created something very special with these workshops. One of the best investments I have ever made."

Meet Kiri :)

Feedback from Jay D.
April 2017, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
"The Daylesford Photography workshop was a fantastic opportunity to spend some serious time deeply immersed in food styling and photography.

Nothing puts a rocket under your arse like spending solid time with real professionals like Ewen and Shellie. There was no question that they weren't prepared to answer and it was a delight to move from technical photography discussions, to the mysterious art of styling, to thoughts on starting a career in food photography, to a fiery discussion on the current best restaurants in Melbourne.

The accommodation was absolutely top-notch and the whole trip superbly well organised and thought-out. I recommend this to anyone who is either just starting out in photography or who wants to take their skills to the next level."

Meet Jay :)

Feedback from Nina M.
April 2017, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
"In the space of four days, I went from someone who thought they could take a half-decent photo; to someone that now has a deeper knowledge of the art and science of food photography. I have a much better understanding of what my camera and lens are capable of and how to style, take and edit the shot, rather than snapping wildly and hoping for the best!

And all while set against the picturesque backdrop of Dayelsford. There is truly no better way to learn, than to immerse yourself in the sights, sounds and flavours of one of Melbourne’s most famous foodie towns. There was a photo opportunity around every corner – it was hard not to be inspired to want to take great photos. I am also very grateful for the intimate learning environment and Ewen and Shellie’s generosity in providing feedback and guidance.

The food and accommodation were outstanding and as someone with dietary requirements, I was at ease the entire weekend, confident that my needs had been taken care of. This was much more than a workshop. It was a truly special experience."

Meet Nina :)

Feedback from Selina P.
April 2017, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
"I had a fantastic and very productive weekend in Daylesford with Ewen and Shellie. The weekend was well organised, with the right mix of theory, practical, styling, free time, one on one time and eating! There was a great use of technology which facilitated the learning process and access to a variety of equipment to explore and experiment with. The food, restaurant choices and accommodation were superb.

I learnt so much during the stay and felt comfortable asking any sort of question, no matter how silly or trivial. Ewen and Shellie are such genuine and caring people who were more than happy to help and share their experiences. The weekend was so memorable and I am already considering which trip I can attend next with Ewen."

Feedback from Katherine C.
March 2017, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
"It’s now been a few weeks since the workshop and I have to tell you my approach to photography is still feeling the effects of that weekend - in a good way! I am sure this will continue for a long time. It’s fair to say that this workshop has changed my view on life. I really do feel that my eyes have been opened. I now look at ‘light’ so differently, and find myself considering things from many angles, up close, but also stepping back and looking at the foreground, the background, and everything in between. And processing is a whole new world, and it is all very exciting.

The generosity of information shared by both of you, as well as all the other participants, made it an incredibly rich and rewarding experience. I have learnt so much. It has made me appreciate even more your skill and knowledge (and your patience!) and understand even more just how little I know, but given me confidence to have a crack and learn along the way.

I know that I am stating the obvious but I have to say again that the accommodation was so perfect - that light! And then there was the food… such beautiful photographic subjects with gorgeous styling, and still amazingly scrumptious - and prepared by Iron Chef Shellie no less! Plus the delicious expeditions into town for equally delicious fare... and the occasional gin... and the side trips to pick up a few ‘essential’ props, and to meet the piggies. All in all it was a beautifully balanced and creative program, and an amazing experience. Everyone needs to make the time to do this sort of stuff.

It’s so lovely that I am excited again about photography and am anxiously awaiting the delivery of my new macbook pro to see the possibilities that offers. It’s the start of a joyous journey and I can’t thank you enough for your friendly and good natured advice. I look forward to staying in touch and sharing some of the results with you both very soon. Thank you again!"

Meet Katherine :)

Feedback from Toni C.
January 2017, Laos Food & Photography
"There are tours…and then there are photography and gourmet food tours and that’s where Shellie and Ewen are a class above all. Both incredibly experienced and skilful, but it’s the way they make you feel so welcome, their appreciation and engagement with cultural communities that provides you the opportunity to capture and share moments that are genuine.

Under their guidance you challenge yourself, learn to understand light, your camera’s capacity, and importantly, the scene in front of you. This enables you to capture, not snap, the moment. And did I mention the food, not just from a photography perspective... delicious.

It was a fantastic schedule that exposed, excuse the pun, us to the wonders of Luang Prabang. I absolutely loved the trip and have no hesitation in recommending the tour. Enjoy, I know I did."

Meet Toni :)

Feedback from Tanya L.
January 2017, Laos Food & Photography
"It wasn't a hard decision to join Shellie and Ewen for the food photography in Laos and I am so grateful I did. From the initial booking process to my flight back home in Australia, it was all perfectly and thoughtfully organized. Shellie had every aspect of the Gourmet Tour covered with nothing to think about apart from packing our bags and cameras and embark on a trip of a lifetime.

Shellie teamed up with her partner Ewen Bell (who is an extraordinary photographer and has a deep and immense love for all things food, photography & life). Ewen was instrumental is engaging his knowledge of travel in the local area to allow us to engage with the locals and their community. No stone was left unturned when it came to immersing ourselves in Laos culture in Luang Prabang. Shellie made sure our days were jam-packed with all things food and photography.

I am so honored to have been part of such a wonderful workshop from two of the most humblest, kindest, caring and knowledge people I know. Do yourself a favour - this is a must 'to do' that should be on your bucket list."

Meet Tanya :)


Feedback from Sarah L.
April 2016, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
"I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to both Ewen and Shellie for such an amazing time in Daylesford!!! I've always been drawn to beautiful food photographs but never believe that I can shoot them myself!!! Everything in the retreat was well organised, both Ewen and Shellie are very generous and humble to share their expertise.

It was a perfect balance between staying in and going out. Loved the trip out to the Mill Market, visiting the pigs and going to top restaurants eating good food with great company or staying in and get spoiled by Shellie's delicious foods!!!

I have definitely see photography differently after the trip and since the retreat, I have been approached by brands and eateries to help them with food photography for their menus. It's a great feeling to do what you are passionate in and I think I've found mine!! Hope to do more foodie/photography trips with you guys!! Thanks again!"

Meet Sarah :)

Feedback from Tiffany C.
April 2016, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
"The Daylesford Food Photography Workshop is by far the best gift I have ever given myself. I have always had a love of cooking and blogging but was lacking the skills, knowledge and confidence to really pursue it. Ewen and Shellie were extremely generous and welcoming, tailoring the teachings to our individual skill levels and allowing us to ask as many questions as we needed along the way.

The luxury homestead accommodation was beautiful, the food and wine decadent, and our small close group formed great friendships which still continue as we help each other on our individual journeys. Ewen and Shellie's industry knowledge, practical skill set and their down to earth attitude make them a true dream team. What I learnt on this workshop is completely invaluable and I am forever grateful to Ewen and Shellie for helping me turn what was just a passion, into a career."

Meet Tiffany :)

Feedback from Natalie P.
April 2016, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
“Ewen and Shellie run workshops that uniquely combine technical camera and shooting knowledge, food styling partnered with a spirit of generosity, comradery and friendship.

From the moment I arrived at the stunning Aghadoe Estate I was made to feel welcome, comfortable, and instantly knew I was in the right place to spend a lovely couple of days with like-minded people. The format of having a full long weekend to immerse yourself in your creative expression is amazing. All the normal day-to-day falls away and you are free to stretch your knowledge and just create. During the workshop I was able to produce images that were well beyond my expectations, aided by Shellie’s incredible styling and Ewen’s extensive photography knowledge. It was fantastic to have everything we needed at our finger tips to try some new techniques, ask questions and create some beautiful images.

Did I mention the incredible food cooked by Shellie and also the perfect venues chosen for lunches and dinners in Daylesford!?

It is a year on from the Daylesford workshop and I am still in contact with the lovely ladies I did the workshop with and continue to share knowledge. We also do foodie day trips to shoot together!

I loved it so much I have signed up for their Laos workshop in 2018 and am counting down the days..”

Meet Natalie :)


Feedback from Sophie W.
November 2015, Agrarian Food Photography Workshop
"A big thank you to Ewen and Shellie for all of their encouragement, tips, tricks and wealth of knowledge - before, during and after the tassie workshop. The workshop itself was brilliant for me, an absolute beginner with no photography or food styling experience.

The support began months before I even stepped on the plane, with Ewen answering all my questions about what camera gear would suit what I wanted to achieve with my business. On arrival at the Frogmore Creek Winery, I was greeted with a glass of champagne - followed by an amazing degustation dinner, and straight into the food photography - the perfect start to a foodie workshop!

My favourite part of the workshop was the time spent at the Agrarian Kitchen. A beautiful setting with my dream kitchen for Shellie to cook up the most gorgeous (and delicious) feast. Being a very small group, I thought it was great that both Ewen and Shellie had plenty of time for one on one discussions to ensure that all our individual photography questions were answered and explained at length. I particularly gained from the discussions on camera settings, flash photography and natural light.

The workshop has left me confident and encouraged to take on the photography needs of my small business, and I would love to attend another workshop with Ewen and Shellie."

Meet Sophie :)

Feedback from Linda H.
November 2015, Agrarian Food Photography Workshop
"The Hobart Food Photography Workshop was perfect from start to finish! It was organized with your usual efficiency and attention to detail from putting me in touch with another participant on the same flight to the recommendation of a suitable lens. The choice of accommodation and workshop venue were also superb. It was good to get back behind the camera and I loved using my new 50mm Art Series lens, thank you for the recommendation.

Ewen, you are always so generous with your time, help and advice on these workshops and I really appreciate you passing on your knowledge and passion for photography. It was wonderful to finally get f2 working for me, thank you so much for your endless patience! It was an interesting group with lots of enthusiasm for developing their skills and towards an end goal. This made a huge difference to the dynamic I feel and your attention to detail ensured that everyone got the help and advice they required to achieve that goal. I am not sure I know of any other photographer who takes the time to do just that. Shellie, I loved your cooking, your styling and your endless patience as we all took yet another shot of you working in the kitchen! You bring something very special to these workshops, thank you."

Feedback from Lisa M.
November 2015, Agrarian Food Photography Workshop
"I would highly recommend the Food Styling & Photography workshop hosted by Ewen and Shellie. Coming into this workshop I had no experience in photography and didn't even own a suitable camera. Ewen was a wealth of knowledge and was only too happy to recommend gear for me based on my needs, he even made time to give me an overview of my camera and set it up for me. It was a very relaxed and supportive environment to learn in, with Ewen, Shellie and other attendees all working together. I went in to the workshop with nothing but an open mind, and I came out with the confidence to take my own images for my business, having learned so much about photography from the gear, to lighting, to props and processing images. Thank you so much for an amazing few days Ewen and Shellie, and my fellow classmates!"

Meet Lisa :)

Feedback from Lauren S.
November 2015, Agrarian Food Photography Workshop
"Hobart was such a delightful, memorable trip. I gained so much valuable knowledge about food styling, photography, editing and business. But, aside from all that learning, it was also four days of making new friends, meeting lovely people, eating incredible food and visiting beautiful places. Thank you Ewen and Shellie for a gorgeous tour and for being so giving of your knowledge. Hope to take another trip with you one day soon. Lauren x"

Meet Lauren :)

Feedback from Heather W.
November 2015, Agrarian Food Photography Workshop
"As a photographer who specializes in families & babies I often wondered whether there were any tips and tricks for photographing food. There certainly are! Ewen is a master of making food look wonderful and his courses are for photographers and food lovers as well. I loved that his courses are loosely structured, allowing the individual to pursue their own interests while learning as a group as well, and the food that Shelly produces to be photographed is inspiring and delicious. Highly recommended!"

Meet Heather :)

Feedback from Winston C.
April 2015, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
"The Daylesford workshop was such a fantastic experience for me. I've been a big fan of Ewen's work for a while so I was grateful to be able to learn from his first hand. I definitely learned a lot about the technical aspects to photography as well as post processing and there were plenty of opportunities to practice, make mistakes and learn from them too. Having a maximum of 5 or 6 people that workshop really helped too. I also appreciated how Ewen would constantly challenge us to try new things, step out of our comfort zone and just have fun with what we were doing.

I haven't felt inspired or excited about taking photos for a long time before the workshop and it just feels so uplifting to have that passion for photography reignited again all thanks to the workshop! All photography aside, what I also loved was the incredible accommodation that we got to stay at, as well as all the delicious food we got to eat that week. I had a truly unforgettable time during the workshop and would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking to take their photography to the next level while having some great laughs and good feeds along the way."

Meet Winston :)

Feedback from Atlanta B.
April 2015, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
"The Daylesford food photography workshop exceeded my expectations in every way possible. As I already had a photography (fine arts) degree, I wanted to learn how to take my photography to the next level and this is exactly what occurred - although I would recommend this workshop to anyone that loves food photography at any level. Without exaggerating, I learnt more about producing beautiful food photos in this workshop with Ewen and Shellie than I did from all of my previous studies. This is evident in the level of work before and after the workshop and through the social media accounts that I manage.

The level of effort and care that Ewen and Shellie put in to this workshop made it also very relaxing! I felt like I had been on a holiday all the while producing some of the best photos I have ever taken. The food Shellie prepared was absolutely delicious and really made with love and any outside venue that we ate at was also of a high standard. The workshop was not just a way to upskill, it was an experience. For anyone who is interested in this workshop, the best thing I can say is do it, you'll love it and you'll be a better photographer for it.

Thank you Ewen and Shellie- I really feel like you went the extra mile with our little group and made it a truly memorable experience."

Meet Atlanta :)


Feedback from Natasha S.
November 2014, Agrarian Food Photography Workshop
"Ewen's Hobart food Photography workshop was a truly life changing experience for me. The location is so inspiring; you won't be able to stop shooting! Expect to indulge in a ridiculous amount of good food and meet some great like-minded people. Not only a photography workshop an exciting culinary journey throughout Hobart."

Feedback from Shamsydar A.
April 2014, Daylesford Food Photography Workshop
"The four day Daylesfood Food Photography workshop last April was one of the main highlights of my journey as a new professional photographer. I chanced upon Ewen's website at 5am in the morning after a sleepless night, and needless to say, everything else was history. Not only was Ewen quick to respond to my email, he also addressed my concerns very patiently. Having to fly in to Melbourne from Singapore, Ewen made sure that I arrived to Daylesford safely by introducing me to a fellow participant who was driving in to Daylesford.

The workshop itself was very hands on and intimate. Shellie created beautiful and delicious food, and styled them immaculately, making our job as photographers a lot easier. Ewen guided us individually on how we could improve our photos, and at one point, he even showed me how one image can be edited into four different looks. What I love about the workshop was that Ewen didn't give us handouts - he taught us from his heart and soul. Now that I am home, being able to replicate photos from the techniques taught is one of the key highlights of the Daylesford Food Photography workshop."

Meet Shamsydar :)



Food Photography Workshops